Get Motivated with a SMART strategy


Motivation directly impacts the quality and efficiency of our work and plays a massive role in our positive headspace. According to Forbes Magazine, “Motivation comes from vision, goal setting, and celebrating small successes.” Learn how to set yourself up with an action plan to stay motivated throughout the week.

The real estate industry requires hard work, determination, and motivation to flourish. Starting your goals by creating clear objectives can help you lay the groundwork for maintaining motivation. In no time, you’ll notice that by taking small steps towards them, you are already on the path to achieving them. 

SMART goals can help build a solid foundation to manage business targets, professional development milestones, and personal achievements. This strategy follows a specific framework that enables you to outline your steps and create a more efficient plan for success. Let’s dive deeper into these aspects of SMART methods that can help you stay focused and motivated. 

Specific: Your goals should be targeted and limited to a single area or topic. They have a desired outcome and are clearly understood. Instead of aiming for ones that are too vague or broad, try condensing them to specific ones, like attaining a certain sales number, gaining one or two potential customers, or marketing one new post for your listing a day. 

Measurable: Align your objective with areas that can be measured, like how much time you spent studying for your Broker exam or how often you received compliments on your communication skills with your clients. This is a quantifiable objective that can track progress. It can indicate when you accomplish what you set out to achieve and can leave you feeling more motivated.

Achievable: Goals are often easier to accomplish when they are more realistic. For instance, breaking your goals into smaller, bite-sized chunks make them more doable. This could even be a mark to meet by the day, week, month, or year. The more specific, the more ability there is to attain it. 

Relevant: Your aim should be specific in the direction of your ambitions. One method to this madness is determining if the goal benefits your overall end destination. For example, “I want to grow my social media audience by networking more.” Giving your goal a purpose is more permissible to your resolutions. 

Time-bound: Putting a start and end finish on your goal creates urgency and encourages time management, a super helpful skill you will use throughout your life. They should have a deadline to be able to identify how successful you are. This is important because it lets you set a pace for completion to see your efforts in real-time.

Keep yourself motivated in the best way possible by putting an action plan in front of you to help you accomplish your daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly goals. With all the commotion going around us, staying motivated with every task can surely make every minute count. Over time, you’ll be able to track more progress and even see an uplift in your motivation because your goals are now more attainable.

Samantha Minns
RWorld Content Writer
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